An international organization founded by the author a minute ago. Aims to inform the public, create awareness and provoke reaction about the issue of postmodernism. Partly serious.
You may think that styling yourself in postmodern fashion might help you to become cool and popular among your friends. Think again! No popularity is worth for the loss of functional analytical capabilities.
There are many reasons to say no!
· Postmodernism can lead to Combined Intellectual Laziness and Mediocrity Syndrome (CILMS).
· It complicates the simple. It hinders communication and impedes intellectual exchange.
· Except the field of literature, it kills arts and promotes bullshit.
Every year, our best peers are becoming victims to postmodernism. Post-postmodernism invites you to deconstruct the metaphysical postulates that underlie this disease.
Commit yourself. Take action!
· Mind the class. It remains as the most effective construct in social theory.
· Evade political correctness. It is an oxymoron of no good for improving the situation of niggers or homos.
· Do make truth claims. It is actually what postmodernists also do everyday as they talk about the weather or the traffic.
· Do not feel embarrassed while making value judgments. It is what makes us individual subjects with dignity.
· Use inverted commas with “caution.”
Post-postmodernism is a socially constructed international nonprofit organization committed to the protection of the youth from the perils of postmodernism. It advocates the restriction of its use in philosophy and social theory, and argues for its de-promotion in arts.
3 yorum:
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Ha ha ha! Postmodernlerin bu kadar cok oldugu Bogazici cevresinde boyle bir fikirle karsılasmak hem sasırttı, hem pek hosuma gitti. Tam da bu aralar cok sorunsallastırdıgım ve kafa yordugum bir konuya parmak basmış oldun. Devamı da benden gelebilir. Sevgiler.
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